Colombia signs participation contract

時間:2009-07-21 09:35   來源:

scene of the meeting

Gustavo Gaviria, the commissioner general for Colombia at World Expo 2010, hands over the country's participation contract to Hua Junduo, China's commissioner general for World Expo 2010.

Hua Junduo, China's commissioner general for World Expo 2010, presents a gift to Gustavo Gaviria, the commissioner general for Colombia at World Expo 2010.

Gustavo Gaviria, the commissioner general for Colombia at World Expo 2010, this morning handed over the country's participation contract to the event's organizer.

The country has begun preparations on its 1,000-square-meter rented pavilion.

Hua Junduo, China's commissioner general for World Expo 2010, met with the delegation to discuss preparations. He promised to provide all necessary support to Colombia's Expo preparations.


