
History comes alive at Portugal Pavilion

時間:2010-09-13 13:53   來源:SRC-5677

“Adolphe Sax” playing the saxophone

“Salvador Dali” teasing visitors

“Marie Curie” introducing her inventions

“Marco Polo” coming with his travel book

“Famous Europeans” taking a picture together

Some actors dressed up as European celebrities to amuse visitors at the entrance of the Portugal Pavilion on 4:45pm yesterday. They played great Europeans such as Marco Polo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Adolphe Sax, Marie Curie and Salvador Dali.

During the show, actors introduced the celebrities with a monologue. The show, which has entertained the audience in site, is part of the EU Pavilion's cultural programme. “Amadeus Mozart,” “Coco Chanel,” “Albert Einstein” and “Plato” had appeared at the programme as well.


