Taipei deputy mayor pitching flora expo

時間:2009-10-30 08:19   來源:SRC-188

TAIPEI: The city's Deputy Mayor, Lee Yong-ping, departed Taipei yesterday for Shanghai to promote the Taipei International Garden and Horticulture Exposition that will be held in Taipei City November 6, 2010 through April 25, 2011.

Lee took with her the official mascot of the Taipei flora expo, which will be one of the biggest international events to be organized by the city.

The mascot - "Yabi the Seed Baby" - proved to be an instant eye-catcher and crowd-puller at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. EVA Airways provided a ticket for the mascot to have a seat in the passenger cabin on the flight to Shanghai.

In addition to promoting the Taipei flora expo, Lee and her group will attend a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the two Taipei pavilions at the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

Construction of the 375-square-meter area for the two Taipei pavilions, which will highlight Taipei's achievements in building a ubiquitous broadband wireless network and in trash recycling, is scheduled to begin today.

Lee described her trip to Shanghai as an endeavor to link the Taipei flora expo and the Shanghai World Expo.

"The city government will highlight our advantages at the Shanghai World Expo to let mainland residents and people around the world know Taipei has one of the best living and travel environments for backpackers, young students and intellectuals," she said.

Meanwhile, she said, Yabi the Seed Baby is expected to meet Haibao - the official mascot of Shanghai World Expo 2010 - during the visit in Shanghai.

Both mascots were designed by Taiwan artists, Lee disclosed.


