Media salon held to reach better understanding

時間:2009-07-21 09:32   來源:SRC-5279

scene of salon

 Cheng Meihong, deputy head of Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration, delivers a speech.

A media salon was held at Pullman Shanghai Skyway Hotel yesterday afternoon with about 30 journalists from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Among them are the journalists from Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po, Cable TV Hong Kong, Taiwan's ETTV, Taiwan's TVBS TV Station.

Xu Wei, spokesperson of Shanghai World Expo Coordination, hosted the salon. Cheng Meihong, deputy head of Shanghai Municipal Tourism Administration and Chen Zhen, an official with the Ticketing Department of the Bureau, introduced Expo tour routes and ticket sales to the journalists. Cheng and Chen also answered questions on Expo promotion in Hong Kong and Taiwan, tourist reception and ticket sales.

Before the salon, the journalists also went atop of Lupu Bridge and have a bird's view of Expo site which is under construction.

Since this February, similar events have been held regularly by the bureau as well as Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office, Shanghai Information Office. The salons are expected to boost communication between journalists and the bureau.


