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關注中國自然保護區多媒體音樂會 海頓清唱劇

時間:2008-04-03 13:14  來源:新華網

  中國以它驚人的經濟發展和繁華的城市以及現代化的摩天大樓受到世界的公認和欽佩。然而,中國還有另外一面,中國對自然保護方面的合作也同樣是重要的。中國土地面積的15%有2300個自然保護區 ,那裏有珍貴的天然生物財富,中國土地的10%是多種生物物種的生存地,包括黑頸鶴,金絲猴,雪豹和大熊貓。隨著經濟和人口的增長,保護這些資源對中國和世界都是一個挑戰。


  海頓的清唱劇作品《四季》(德語)的多媒體音樂會將由享有國際聲譽的指揮大師約翰內爾森(John Nelson)執棒,國際獨唱家包括美國大都會歌劇院簽約女高音歌唱家黃英;年僅23歲便獲2007卡迪夫國際聲樂比賽第一名的男低音歌唱家沈洋;男高音歌唱家馬克海勒(Marc Heller),以及上海歌劇院交響樂團和上海歌劇院合唱團。中國著名的電視主播和慈善家楊瀾將擔任音樂會的主持人。

  “四季”演出時,2008年中國自然保護區攝影比賽中甄選出的優秀攝影將隨著音樂進行多媒體互動。攝影比賽由北京奧組委,美國大自然保護協會和中國的國家林業局主辦。出席音樂會的嘉賓有2007年環境獎的獲獎者,這個兩年一度的環境獎是由SEE生態協會和美國大自然保護協會頒發給中國基層環保項目的。這些獲獎者向中國的公眾顯示了他們對環境的關注和支援,他們是在2007年通過55萬人線上投票,從219個參賽項目中脫穎而出的。 部分音樂會的收益用以贊助以上這些組織。



  聯繫人: Julia Zhu uscci@yahoo.cn

  NATURAL CHINA Multimedia Concert
  AN ORATORIO by Franz Joseph Haydn

  China is recognized and admired by the world for its stunning economic development, dazzling cities and modern skyscrapers. Yet there is another side of China - Natural China - which is equally important for the world to recognize for protection and collaboration. China's 2300 nature reserves, covering 15% of China's land areas, include precious natural biodiversity assets; China's land is home to 10% of all living species including black necked cranes, golden monkeys, snow leopards and pandas. As our economy and population grow, it becomes more challenging to protect these resources for China and the world.

  The "Natural China" concert on April 3, 2008 at the magnificent new National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing seeks to celebrate the wonders of China's natural beauty and nature reserves through music and photography. A multimedia performance of Haydn's The Seasons (in German) will be led by internationally acclaimed Maestro John Nelson with international soloists from the Metropolitan Opera, Ying Huang (soprano) and Marc Heller (tenor), as well as the 2007 Cardiff Singer of the World, 23-year-old Shen Yang (bass), together with the Shanghai Opera House orchestra and chorus. China's preeminent TV anchor and philanthropist Yang Lan will serve as host for the concert.

  A ravishing photo display of China's nature reserves accompanies the music. The photos are drawn from entries of the 2008 China Nature Reserves photo contest sponsored by the Beijing Organizing Committee of the 2008 Olympic Games (BOCOG), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and China's State Forest Administration.

  Honored tonight will be the winners of the 2007 Environmental Award given bi-annually by the SEE and The Nature Conservancy to grassroots environmental projects in China. Demonstrating the increased interest and support among the Chinese public for the environment, these winners were among the 219 entrants who received a total of 550,000 on line votes in the 2007 eco-award competition. A portion of the concerts proceeds will benefit these organizations.

  The concert is presented by the National Centre for the Performing Arts and the U.S. China Cultural Institute - Cultural Associates of the Committee of 100 as part of the Centre's international performance premier season, in partnership with China Environmental Culture Promotion Association, The Natural Conservancy (TNC) and Society for Entrepreneurs & Ecology (SEE).

  The concert is the first segment of "Natural China," a multi-faceted program developed to inform a broader audience in China and the rest of the world about China's natural assets, it's nature reserves and international and local non governmental efforts to protect these assets. Future "Natural China" events include an award ceremony for the Nature Reserves photo contest in May organized by BOCOG, TNC and the State Forestry Administration of China, a "Natural China" Symposium and photo exhibition held in Washington DC in June organized by Committee of 100 and TNC, and photo exhibitions of China's nature reserves at Olympic-designated spaces in July and August, 2008.

  Contact: Julia Zhu uscci@yahoo.cn







