

時間:2009-12-01 14:10   來源:臺胞之家網



   The Tsou tribe is ranked 9th among Taiwan’s indigenous tribes in terms of population. Its distribution includes Alishan Township of Chiayi County and Sanmin and Taoyuan townships of Kaohsiung County. 

   The name of the tribe means “human” in the Tsou language. This tribe traditionally possessed a patrilineal society, and practiced agricultural techniques and hunting. They had a strict social structure, with each of the largest villages having a chieftain and a “kuba” or men’s meeting hall, which served as the political center. The major decisions of the tribe were presided over by the elders of each of the clans. 

   The kuba is considered sacred and the exclusive domain of men. Women are strictly prohibited from entering. When boys came of age, they would leave their homes and go to the kuba for a period of training, where they would learn the culture and history of the tribe, as well as develop their skills as craftsmen, hunters and warriors. Currently, only the villages of Dabang and Tefuye possess a kuba. 

   Traditionally, a man would work for the family of his wife for at least three years following the wedding. The term of service was decided by the families of the bride and groom before marriage. The Warring Cermony (Mayasvi) is held every year on or around February 15 either in the village of Dabang or Tefuye and is one of the major ceremonies of the Tsou. During this ceremony, the god of war is invited to earth to provide blessings to the tribe.

