

時間:2009-12-01 14:03   來源:臺胞之家網

  撒奇萊雅,原來被劃屬阿美族群的一支,稱為“奇萊阿美”。目前是臺灣少數民族人口數排名第八的族群。撒奇萊雅意指真正的人。花蓮,古時曾稱作奇萊,就是從撒奇萊雅人自稱的諧音而來。撒奇萊雅最早為外人所知,是明朝崇禎5年(1632年),1878年撒奇萊雅聯合噶瑪蘭加禮宛社、竹窩宛社反抗清吏,後被清兵擊潰,史稱“加禮宛事件”,全族幾乎死傷殆盡,散逃在臺灣各地,開始了他們128年隱姓埋名的流浪生活,直到在2007年 1月17日才被確認為臺灣少數民族中的第十三族群。
  撒奇萊雅人為了紀念在“加禮宛事件”中捍衛部落犧牲的祖先,在百年後的今天,部落以 “巴拉馬爾火神祭”祭祀儀式悼慰祖先英魂,警示後人世代傳承民族精神。

   Sakizaya means “true or real human being” in the tribe’s native language. The Sakizaya tribe is ranked eighth among Taiwan’s indigenous tribes in terms of population. The Sakizaya tribe was once thought to be a branch of the Amis tribe. The earliest records of the Sakizaya date back to 1632. In 1878, on the orders of the Qing emperor, soldiers arrived from China to open up a route between Suao and Hualien, and to govern the resources of the Hualien area. However, the Kavalan and Sakizaya tribes found the Qing policies unacceptable and carried out a resistance, also known as the Jialiwan Incident. The indigenous uprising was decisively defeated and the remaining members of the Sakizaya fled, hiding themselves among the Amis tribe. After 128 years, the Sakizaya finally reclaimed their identity, becoming the 13th officially recognized tribe on January 1, 2007.
   The Sakizaya were the earliest inhabitants of what is today Hualien City. Currently, there are five main Sakizaya villages in the Hualien area.
   Major ceremonies are carried out based on millet cultivation, such as the planting ceremony and harvest festival. Fishing and other ceremonies are also held throughout the year. During the coming-of-age rites, the elders offer cooked rice to bless the youth of the tribe. This is a tradition unique to the Sakizya. Following the coming-of-age rites, the new members of the age hierarchy will plant a circle of bamboo to symbolize the protection of the village.
   To commemorate the Jialiwan Incident and the ancestors who lost their lives in the conflict, the Sakizaya hold the god of fire ceremony to pass on the tribe’s history to the younger generations.


