

時間:2008-01-07 14:06   來源:統一論壇


  在慶祝香港回歸10週年大會上的講話Speech at the Celebrations Marking the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to China 胡錦濤Hu Jintao
  發展 和合 誠信—— 香港回歸10週年有感Development, Harmony, Sincerity — Congratulations to the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return
化青Hua Qing
  香港成功實踐“一國兩制”十年對臺灣之影響Influence of Hong Kong's 10-Year Successful Practice of “One Country, Two Systems” Upon Taiwan 臺灣 紀欣Taiwan Ji Xin
  東方明珠 燦爛依舊——紀念香港回歸十週年Oriental Pearl, Charming As Always— In Honor of the 10th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return
美國 葉大開
[America]Ye Dakai
  “澳門模式”探析An Analysis of the “Macao Mode” 賀衛平He Weiping
  陳水扁當局推行“法理臺獨”的實際步驟Actual Steps of the ‘de jure Independence’ Implemented by the Chen Shui-bian Authority 董栓柱Dong Shuanzhu
“Four Suggestions”:Guiding Principles for the Promotion of a Peaceful Development of Cross-Straits Relations
[加拿大] 車英麟[Canada]Che Yinglin
  發揚抗戰精神 完成統一大業—— 紀念“七七”抗戰爆發七十週年Carrying Forward the Anti-Aggression Spirit to Fulfill the Cause of National Reunification— In Honor of the 70th Anniversary of the “July 7th” Incident [玻利維亞] 楊啟周[Bolivia]Yang Qizhou
  自取其辱的“臺獨”鬧劇The “Taiwan Independence” Scheme Will Bring Shame to Itself [菲律賓] 董拔萃[Philippines]Dong Bacui
  和諧的旋律在雪梨奏響Harmonious Rhythm Resounds in Sydney [澳大利亞] 任傳功[Australia]Ren Chuangong
  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils  
  對臺交流的新亮點—— 臺灣中南部鄉鎮長村里長及青年代表團荊楚行活動紀實A New Highlight in Cross-Straits Exchange
— Tour Report of a Delegation of Township and Village Heads and Youngsters from Central and Southern Taiwan to Hubei Province
石柏安Shi Bo’an
  交流遂願 情誼更濃—— 湖北宗教文化交流團赴臺交流紀實Closer Communications Enhance Passion and Friendship— Tour Report of a Hubei Religious Cultural Delegation to Taiwan 徐元宏Xu Yuanhong
  略評“兩蔣”時期和陳水扁時期的臺灣經濟A Brief Review of Taiwan’s Economy during the Chiang Family’s Era and the Chen Shui-bian Era 劉建興Liu Jianxing
  臺灣當局“文化臺獨”透視 A Perspective on Taiwan Authority’s “Cultural Taiwan Independence” 胡謙Hu Qian
  民進黨的“入聯公投”是在玩火The DPP’s Referendum Bid for UN Membership Is Nothing But Playing with Fire 蔡永飛Cai Yongfei
  官修私撰兩相宜—— 臺灣史志書摭談 About Taiwan Historical Records 金人Jin Ren
  寶島臺灣The Precious Island of Taiwan 李立 Li Li
  封面介紹 中國最美的自然傑作之 —— 黃龍  


