

時間:2006-05-24 15:52   來源:


  中國和平統一促進會負責人就陳水扁終止“國統會”發表談話CCPPR Remarks on Chen Shui-bian's Termination of 'the National Unification Council(NUC)'


  深入貫徹胡錦濤總書記關於新形勢下發展兩岸關係的“四點意見” 堅決遏止“臺獨”分裂活動—在中國統促會七屆二次常務理事會上的講話Thoroughly Carrying out CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao's 'Four-Point Guideline' on Cross-Straits Relations under the New Circumstances, Firmly Restraining 'Taiwan Independence' Activities—Speech at the 2nd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing Directors Assembly

何魯麗He Luli

  貫徹落實胡錦濤總書記“四點意見” 把寄希望於臺灣人民的工作做到實處Implementing the 'Four-Point Guideline', Deepening the Work of Placing Hopes on the People of Taiwan

梁國揚Liang Guoyang

  發揮藏學研究民間性優勢 積極開展反“獨”促統工作—在中國統促會七屆二次常務理事會上的發言Giving Play to the Advantage of Tibetology among the People, Sparing No Effort to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' and Promote National Reunification—Perceptions from the Study of the 'Four-Point Guideline'

朱曉明Zhu Xiaoming

  理性、靈活、務實的政策與措施—在中國統促會七屆二次常務理事會上的發言Rational, Flexible, and Pragmatic Policy and Measure—Perceptions on Hu Jintao's 'March 4 Speech'

余克禮Yu Keli

  化“四點意見”為中華民族的精神力量 努力推動兩岸早日實現和平統一Converting the 'Four-Point Guideline' into Spiritual Strength of the Chinese Nation, Promoting a Peaceful Reunification across the Straits

[加拿大]車英麟[Canada]Che Yinglin

  歷史性突破 綱領性文件—紀念“八項主張”發表十一週年和“四點意見”發表一週年Historic Breakthroughs, Guideline Documents—In Honor of the 11th Anniversary of the 'Eight-Point Proposal' and the 1st Anniversary of the 'Four-Point Guideline'

[丹麥]葉利宗[Denmark]Ye Lizong

  八項主張”和“四點意見”將挫敗陳水扁的“臺獨”伎倆The 'Eight-Point Proposal' and the 'Four-Point Guideline' Will Defeat Chen Shui-bian's 'Taiwan Independence' Trick

[澳大利亞]丘廣齡[Australia]Qiu Guangling

  中臺辦、國臺辦就陳水扁推動“廢統”發表談話The Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Deliver Speeches on Chen Shui-bian's Efforts in Abolishing 'NUC'


  中臺辦國臺辦受權就陳水扁決定終止“國統會”和“國統綱領”發表聲明Statements of the Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council on Chen Shui-bian's Decision of Abolishing 'NUC and NUG'


  堅定不移推進祖國和平統一發展進程—在中國和平統一促進會和黃埔軍校同學會兩岸形勢座談會上的講話Steadfastly Pushing Forward the Progression of Peaceful National Reunification—Speech at the Symposium of the CCPPR and the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association on the Cross-Straits Situations

周鐵農Zhou Tienong

  發揚黃埔精神 為祖國統一努力奮鬥—在中國和平統一促進會和黃埔軍校同學會兩岸形勢座談會上的發言Carrying Forward Whampoa Spirit and Striving Hard for National Reunification

林上元Lin Shangyuan

  反“廢統”、反分裂、救臺灣—聲討陳水扁聲明Opposing 'NUC' Abolishment, Opposing Secession, Saving Taiwan—Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Statement

Chinese Unification Alliance, etc.

  精心策劃的“臺獨”冒險—評陳水扁“廢統事件”Deliberately Conceived Risk for 'Taiwan Independence'—On Chen Shui-bian's 'NUC' Abolishment Event

徐博東/李振廣Xu Bodong/Li Zhenguang

  從“終統事件”談反“獨”促統策略On Strategies for Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Promoting Reunification from 'NUC' Termination Event

臺灣 紀欣Taiwan Ji Xin

  強烈譴責陳水扁的“廢統令”Strongly Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Order of Abolishing 'NUC'

香港 岑永生Hongkong Cen Yongsheng

  陳水扁“終統”惡行 “臺獨”之心昭然若揭Chen Shui-bian's 'NUC' Termination Trick Reveals His Conspiracy of 'Taiwan Independence'

澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang

  聲討陳水扁“廢統”的“臺獨”行徑Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Act of Abolishing 'NUC'

香港 陳金烈Hongkong Chen Jinlie

  彩雲不鎖鄉關夢 臺海難分骨肉情—評陳水扁“廢統”Taiwan Straits Will Never Cut Off the Ties of Flesh and Blood—On Chen Shui-bian's Abolishment of 'NUC'

香港 潘志輝Hongkong Pan Zhihui

  強烈反對“廢統”一意孤行 堅決維護和平統一大局Strongly Opposing the Abolishment of 'NUC', Firmly Safeguarding the Peaceful Reunification

澳門 霍志釗Macao Ho Zhizhao

  由陳水扁“終統”説起From Chen Shui-bian's Termination of 'NUC'

[澳大利亞]黃潮平[Australia]Huang Chaoping

  陳水扁“玩火”萬丈深淵等著他Chen Shui-bian's 'Playing with Fire' Will Send Him to Abyss

[玻利維亞]楊啟周[Bolivia]Yang Qizhou

  廢統”進一步暴露了陳水扁的野心The Termination of 'NUC' Uncovers Chen Shui-bians' Scheme

[西班牙]徐松華[Spain]Xu Songhua

  多事之春 “獨”聲四起—強烈譴責陳水扁“廢統”行為An Eventful Period—Strongly Condemning Chen Shui-bian's Act of Abolishing 'NUC'

[奧地利]倪鐵平[Austria]Ni Tieping

  廢統”事“獨” 陳水扁誠信破産The Abolishment of 'NUC' Bankrupts Chen Shui-bian's Credit

[柬埔寨]馮利發[Cambodia]Feng Lifa

  陳水扁背離了臺灣人民的根本利益Chen Shui-bian Can Not Represent the Taiwan Populace

[加拿大]李光華[Canada]Li Guanghua

  海峽兩岸和平的根本保障—紀念《反分裂國家法》頒行一週年The Fundamental Guarantee for Cross-Straits Peace—In Honor of the First Anniversary of the Enforcement of Anti-Secession Law

張同新Zhang Tongxin

  孫中山先生的國家統一思想的現實意義Practical Significance of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's National Unification Thoughts

方廣嶺Fang Guangling

  故鄉情 中國心 凝聚成的堅定信念—部分臺籍政協委員、人大代表暢談要為祖國統一而堅決奮鬥A Firm Faith Rooted in the Passion for the Motherland—Some Taiwan-Native CPPCC Members and NPC Delegates Express Their Determinations of Striving for National Reunification

孟波Meng Bo

  從“倫敦演説”解讀馬英九的兩岸政策An Interpretation of Ma Ying-jeo's Cross-Straits Policy from His 'London Speech'

[加拿大]鄭海麟[Canada]Zheng Hailin

  以包容取代對抗 以經濟帶動政治Replacing Confrontation with Tolerance, Driving Political Progress with Economic Development

[加拿大]梁偉洪[Canada]Liang Weihong

  聽兩岸新春講話 看臺海風雲變幻A Glimpse of the Changes in the Cross-Straits Relations through New-Year Speeches on Both Sides

[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao

  陳水扁新春“玩火”孤注一擲Chen Shui-bian Risks All in a Single Venture

[巴西]張無咎[Brazil]Zhang Wujiu

  一杖橫擔日月行Enhancing the Sense of Mission

[美國]黃企之[America]Huang Qizhi

  謹防陳水扁鋌而走險!Caution: Chen Shui-bian Might Risk Danger in Desperation

[美國]花俊雄[America]Hua Junxiong

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  嗆聲”陳水扁Condemning Chen Shui-bian

臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue

  對陳水扁的兩岸政策説不—從300位臺商聯名簽署《臺商宣言》談起Saying No to Chen Shui-bian's Cross-Straits Policy—From the Declaration Jointly Signed by 300 Taiwan Businesspeople

沈正一Shen Zhengyi

  對大熊貓入臺説“不”的背後Behind Taiwan's Rejection of Pandas Presented by Chinese Mainland

王善明Wang Shanming

  都是一家人的感覺真好—記2006年臺灣少數民族青年學生冬令營A Sweet Feeling Like a Family—2006 Winter Camp for Students of Taiwan Minorities

劍卓Jian Zhuo

  中國和平統一促進會七屆二次常務理事會人事任免名單Personnel Appointment and Dismissal at the 2nd Session of CCPPR's 7th Managing Directors Assembly


  詩三首Three Poems





