

時間:2005-11-30 13:34   來源:

  中共中央政治局常委、全國政協主席、中國統促會會長賈慶林會見中國和平統一促進會國慶觀光團全體成員Speech to the Visiting Members of 56th National Day of CCPPR of Jia Qinglin
  加強聯合 發揮優勢 積極推動反“獨”促統運動深入發展— 在中國統促會第四屆海外統促會會長會上的講話 Strengthen Unity, Develop Advantages, Actively Promote the Movement of Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Striving for China's Reunification Deeply—Speech at the 4th Overseas Presidents Meeting of CCPPR 成思危Cheng Siwei
  實現祖國的統一 是海內外中華兒女的共同心願— 在主持中國和平統一促進會第四屆海外統促會會長會時的講話The Common Wish of Chinese All Over the World Realize China's Reunification—Speech at the 4th Overseas Presidents Meeting of CCPPR 梁金泉Liang Jinquan
  總結經驗 凝聚共識 推動反“獨”促統運動深入發展— 中國和平統一促進會第四屆海外統促會會長會在京隆重舉行The 4th Overseas Presidents Meeting of CCPPR Held in Beijinghe 4th Overseas Presidents Meeting of CCPPR Held in Beijing
  團結西非華僑華人 做好主流社會的工作Unite Chinese in West Africa, Affect the Mainstream Community Overseas [尼日利亞] 胡介國[Nigeria]Hu Jieguo
  南太平洋上的一場反“臺獨”阻擊戰An War to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' on the South Pacific [萬那杜] 宋宏偉[Vanuatu]Song Hongwei
  為兩岸和平發展而努力Make Great Efforts to Develop the Relationship of the Straits Peacefully 澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang
  一次凝聚海外反“獨”促統力量的盛會 A Grand Meeting of Concentrating the Strength of Opposing 'Taiwan Independence' and Promoting China's Reunification [西班牙] 徐松華[Spain]Xu Songhua
  深切緬懷榮毅仁先生Chrish the Memory of Rong Yiren
  和平、發展與兩岸統一的動態平衡Dynamic Balance of Peace Develop and Reunification 徐博東Xu Bodong
  兩岸青年是中華民族的未來The Youth Cross-Straits is the Future of China 辛旗Xin Qi
  祖國大陸對臺政策的新思維The New Thougut of the Policy On Taiwan Problem 李家泉Li Jiaquan
  爭取臺灣民心是致勝的關鍵To Win the Heart of Taiwanese is the Key of Victory 蔡永飛Cai Yongfei
  以史為鑒 面向未來Take Warning From History, Confront Onto Future 王米丁Wang Miding
  “兄弟鬩墻、外禦其侮”的歷史注腳The History Footnote of 'Brothers Struggle, Others Bully' [美國] 沈己堯[America]Shen Jiyao
  珍愛和平 致力統一Cherish Peace, Devote to China's Reunification [寮國] 張貴龍[Laosa]Zhang Guilong
  弘揚民族精神 促進祖國統一Carry Forward the National Spirit, Promote China's Reunification [捷克] 倪健[Czech]Ni Jian
  碧血丹心 永志霧社Taiwan Wushe Uprising's Loyalty Unto Death Will Forever Bear in Mind—A Glorious Image of Taiwan People Fight Against Japanese Aggressors 蔣春發/劉東華Jiang Chunfa/Liu Donghua
  200萬越棉寮華人的共同決心反“臺獨” 促統一200 Minllion Chinese From Vietnam Myanmar and Cambodia Make Joint Efforts to Oppose 'Taiwan Independence' and Promote China's Reunification [澳大利亞] 洪紹平[Australia]Hong Shaoping
  海外統促會簡訊News in Brief About the Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils
  團結一致 齊心協力 和平統一大業定能實現Unite and Advance Together, Peaceful Reunification Must Be Realized 香港 岑永生Hongkong Cen Yongsheng
  道路在前 希望在前— 在“紀念世界反法西斯勝利60週年暨全球促進中國和平統一大會”上的發言The Road Ahead, the Wish Forward—Speech at the Meeting to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Worldwide Anti-Fascist War and Promote China's Reunification 臺灣 郭俊次Taiwan Guo Junci
  兩岸農漁民一家親— 臺灣傳統倫理文化發展協會農漁民赴福建參訪紀實The Peasants and Fishermen Cross the Straits Are Family Members—Peasants and Fishermen From the Grass-Root Unit Visited Fujian 臺灣 陳孝忠Taiwan Chen Xiaozhong
  是非恩怨俱往矣 翻開新頁看今朝Reflactions on Visiting the Memorial Hall of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue
  臺灣同胞的中華民族身份不容篡改— 從十七世紀的臺灣社會説起The Chinese Dignity of Taiwan People Allowed of No Distortion—About Taiwan Society in 17th Century 李強/戴生岐Li Qiang/Dai Shengqi
  兩岸交流的新亮點—農業合作Agriculture Cooperation — New Bright Spot of Cross-Straits Exchang 吳鵬Wu Peng
  兩岸菁英的呼喚— 第一屆“兩岸民間菁英論壇”側記Call of the Cross-Straits Cream—The 1st Forum of Cross-Straits Folk Cream 葛鳳章Ge Fengzhang
  京味文化入臺記Art Troupe With Beijing Feature Visited Taiwan 孫宇Sun Yu
  走進民間“故宮”王家大院The Folk Forbidden City — Wang's Courtyard 柏冬友Bai Dongyou
  讀鄭洞國將軍傳記有感(詩二首)Reflactions on Reading the Biography of General Zheng Dongguo 臺灣 陳復Taiwan Chen Fu
  水調歌頭A Poem 王學軍Wang Xuejun


