

時間:2005-08-09 11:20   來源:

  中國共産黨總書記胡錦濤與中國國民黨主席連戰會談新聞公報Press Communiqu岢 of Talks Between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and KMT Chairman Lien Zhan


  中國共産黨總書記胡錦濤與親民黨主席宋楚瑜會談公報Communiqu岢 of Talks Between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and PFP Chairman Soon Chuyu


  為改善兩岸關係注入“春天的氣息”─連、宋祖國大陸行的意義與內涵Inject Ethos of Spring Into Cross-Straits Relationship─Significance of Lien Zhan and Soong Chuyu’s Visit to the Mainland

端木來娣Duanmu Laidi

  政黨交流 意義深遠Profound Significance of Party Exchange

劉紅Liu Hong

  中國國民黨的歷史性腳步A Historic Step Made by KMT

蔡永飛Cai Yongfei

  全體中華兒女團結起來 共同遏制“臺獨” 分裂活動─在“全非洲中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Unite the Chinese All Over the World to Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Activities─Speech at the All-Africa Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification

王在希Wang Zaixi

  遏制“臺獨”分裂勢力 促進中國和平統一─在“全非洲中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Forces, Promote China’s Peaceful Reunification─Speech at the All-Africa Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification

王冀軍Wang Jijun

  在非洲樹起一面反“獨”促統的旗幟─在“全非洲中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Set Up a Banner for Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting China’s Reunification in Africa─Speech at the All-Africa Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification

劉貴今Liu Guijin

  歷史性文件 綱領性指南─學習胡錦濤主席關於新形勢下發展兩岸關四點意見的體會A Historical Document and a Programmatic Guide─On Chairman Hu Jintao’s Four-Point Proposals


  切勿“飲鴆止渴”─從陳水扁等人拒絕大陸三項大禮説起Analysis of Taiwan Authorities' Newly Adopted Regulations on the Relationship Between the People Across the Straits


  非洲宣言Africa Declaration

全非洲中國和平統一促進會CCPPR of Africa

  為促進中國的和平統一而奮鬥Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve China’s Peaceful Reunification

[南非]葉北洋[South Africa]Ye Beiyang

  反“獨”促統是海外華僑華人的歷史使命Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification — Historical Mission of Overseas Chinese

[柬埔寨]馮利發[Cambodia]Feng Lifa

  一部順民意、保和平、促發展的法律─對《反分裂國家法》的幾點認識A Law That Complies With People’s Will, Safeguards Peace and Promotes Development─OnAnti-Secession Law

[英國]單聲[England]Shan Sheng

  《反分裂國家法》加強了海外促統工作Anti-Secession LawStrengthens Overseas Efforts to Promote Reunification

[美國]程君復[America]Cheng Junfu

  共創和平 共謀發展 共用繁榮 振興中華Create a Peaceful Situation, Seek Common Development, Share Prosperity, Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation

澳洲中國和平統一促進會昆士蘭分會Queensland Branch of Autralia CCPPR

  建設性的對話 歷史性的突破Constructive Dialogue, a Historical Breakthrough

[西班牙]徐松華[Spanish]Xu Songhua

  學習胡錦濤主席四點意見的感想Some Thoughts in Studying Hu Jintao’s Four-Point Proposals

[加拿大]詹文義[Canada]Zhan Wenyi

  讓歷史記住的瞬間─寫在中國國民黨主席連戰、親民黨主席宋楚瑜訪問大陸之後Let History Remember the Moment─After KMT Chairman Lien Zhan and PFP Chairman Soon Chuyu’s Visit to the Mainland

[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao

  立足當地 情係中華 促進中國和平統一News in Brief About the Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  一國兩制”在澳門成功實踐的啟示Successful Practice of ‘One China, Two Systems’ in Macao

澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang

  海峽真情暖 兩岸正春風Sincerity Helps Improve Cross-Straits Relations

臺灣 郭俊次Taiwan Guo Junci

  好一個“精神病患者”Chen Shuibian : A Mental Disease Patient

臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue

  連、宋訪大陸之我見My Opinion on Lien Zhan and Soon Chuyu’s Visit to the Mainland

臺灣 張積祥Taiwan Zhang Jixiang

  冰雪消融又一春Spring Comes to Cross-Straits Relations

袁文旭Yuan Wenxu

  聚首“三月三” 歡歌頌中華─海峽兩岸各民族歡度“三月三”節慶活動側記March 3 Festival─People Across the Straits Jointly Celebrate the Sidelights on the March 3 Festival

蔣春發Jiang Chunfa

  兩岸説唱喜相逢─記中國曲藝家協會代表團赴臺交流China Quyi (Chinese Fork Art Forms) Artists Association Delegation Visits Taiwan

中國曲藝家協會China Quyi Artists Association

  兩岸交流 禮尚往來─連戰、宋楚瑜看望汪老的故事Lien Zhan and Soon Chuyu Visit Wang Daohan and Exchange Gifts With Wang

葛鳳章Ge Fengzhang

  閩臺農業合作的歷史回顧與前瞻Review and Prospects of Fujian - Taiwan Agricultural Cooperation

楊德明Yang Deming

  山河依舊 景色全新New Outlook of Mountains and Rivers

劉東華Liu Donghua

  青山綠水原無價 白墻黑瓦別有情─安徽黟縣西遞和宏村采風A Tour to Xidi and Hongcun in Anhui Province


  臺灣和大陸的故事A Tour to Xidi and Hongcun in Anhui Province


  連戰,我的鄉黨Lien Zhan — My Fellow Townsman

鄒東濤Zou Dongtao



