中國共産黨總書記胡錦濤與中國國民黨主席連戰會談新聞公報Press Communiqu岢 of Talks Between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and KMT Chairman Lien Zhan |
中國共産黨總書記胡錦濤與親民黨主席宋楚瑜會談公報Communiqu岢 of Talks Between CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao and PFP Chairman Soon Chuyu |
為改善兩岸關係注入“春天的氣息”─連、宋祖國大陸行的意義與內涵Inject Ethos of Spring Into Cross-Straits Relationship─Significance of Lien Zhan and Soong Chuyu’s Visit to the Mainland |
端木來娣Duanmu Laidi |
政黨交流 意義深遠Profound Significance of Party Exchange |
劉紅Liu Hong |
中國國民黨的歷史性腳步A Historic Step Made by KMT |
蔡永飛Cai Yongfei |
全體中華兒女團結起來 共同遏制“臺獨” 分裂活動─在“全非洲中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Unite the Chinese All Over the World to Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Activities─Speech at the All-Africa Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification |
王在希Wang Zaixi |
遏制“臺獨”分裂勢力 促進中國和平統一─在“全非洲中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splittist Forces, Promote China’s Peaceful Reunification─Speech at the All-Africa Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification |
王冀軍Wang Jijun |
在非洲樹起一面反“獨”促統的旗幟─在“全非洲中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Set Up a Banner for Opposing ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promoting China’s Reunification in Africa─Speech at the All-Africa Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification |
劉貴今Liu Guijin |
歷史性文件 綱領性指南─學習胡錦濤主席關於新形勢下發展兩岸關四點意見的體會A Historical Document and a Programmatic Guide─On Chairman Hu Jintao’s Four-Point Proposals |
辛旗XinQi |
切勿“飲鴆止渴”─從陳水扁等人拒絕大陸三項大禮説起Analysis of Taiwan Authorities' Newly Adopted Regulations on the Relationship Between the People Across the Straits |
沈正一 |
非洲宣言Africa Declaration |
全非洲中國和平統一促進會CCPPR of Africa |
為促進中國的和平統一而奮鬥Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve China’s Peaceful Reunification |
[南非]葉北洋[South Africa]Ye Beiyang |
反“獨”促統是海外華僑華人的歷史使命Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ and Promote China’s Reunification — Historical Mission of Overseas Chinese |
[柬埔寨]馮利發[Cambodia]Feng Lifa |
一部順民意、保和平、促發展的法律─對《反分裂國家法》的幾點認識A Law That Complies With People’s Will, Safeguards Peace and Promotes Development─On《Anti-Secession Law》 |
[英國]單聲[England]Shan Sheng |
《反分裂國家法》加強了海外促統工作《Anti-Secession Law》Strengthens Overseas Efforts to Promote Reunification |
[美國]程君復[America]Cheng Junfu |
共創和平 共謀發展 共用繁榮 振興中華Create a Peaceful Situation, Seek Common Development, Share Prosperity, Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation |
澳洲中國和平統一促進會昆士蘭分會Queensland Branch of Autralia CCPPR |
建設性的對話 歷史性的突破Constructive Dialogue, a Historical Breakthrough |
[西班牙]徐松華[Spanish]Xu Songhua |
學習胡錦濤主席四點意見的感想Some Thoughts in Studying Hu Jintao’s Four-Point Proposals |
[加拿大]詹文義[Canada]Zhan Wenyi |
讓歷史記住的瞬間─寫在中國國民黨主席連戰、親民黨主席宋楚瑜訪問大陸之後Let History Remember the Moment─After KMT Chairman Lien Zhan and PFP Chairman Soon Chuyu’s Visit to the Mainland |
[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao |
立足當地 情係中華 促進中國和平統一News in Brief About the Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
[澳大利亞]黃潮平 |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
“一國兩制”在澳門成功實踐的啟示Successful Practice of ‘One China, Two Systems’ in Macao |
澳門 劉藝良Macao Liu Yiliang |
海峽真情暖 兩岸正春風Sincerity Helps Improve Cross-Straits Relations |
臺灣 郭俊次Taiwan Guo Junci |
好一個“精神病患者”Chen Shuibian : A Mental Disease Patient |
臺灣 李成嶽Taiwan Li Chengyue |
連、宋訪大陸之我見My Opinion on Lien Zhan and Soon Chuyu’s Visit to the Mainland |
臺灣 張積祥Taiwan Zhang Jixiang |
冰雪消融又一春Spring Comes to Cross-Straits Relations |
袁文旭Yuan Wenxu |
聚首“三月三” 歡歌頌中華─海峽兩岸各民族歡度“三月三”節慶活動側記March 3 Festival─People Across the Straits Jointly Celebrate the Sidelights on the March 3 Festival |
蔣春發Jiang Chunfa |
兩岸説唱喜相逢─記中國曲藝家協會代表團赴臺交流China Quyi (Chinese Fork Art Forms) Artists Association Delegation Visits Taiwan |
中國曲藝家協會China Quyi Artists Association |
兩岸交流 禮尚往來─連戰、宋楚瑜看望汪老的故事Lien Zhan and Soon Chuyu Visit Wang Daohan and Exchange Gifts With Wang |
葛鳳章Ge Fengzhang |
閩臺農業合作的歷史回顧與前瞻Review and Prospects of Fujian - Taiwan Agricultural Cooperation |
楊德明Yang Deming |
山河依舊 景色全新New Outlook of Mountains and Rivers |
劉東華Liu Donghua |
青山綠水原無價 白墻黑瓦別有情─安徽黟縣西遞和宏村采風A Tour to Xidi and Hongcun in Anhui Province |
晏華Yanhua |
臺灣和大陸的故事A Tour to Xidi and Hongcun in Anhui Province |
吳霜 |
連戰,我的鄉黨Lien Zhan — My Fellow Townsman |
鄒東濤Zou Dongtao |