

時間:2004-12-02 11:31   來源:


  中國和平統一促進會第七屆理事大會在北京召開The 7th Director Meeting of China Council for the Promotion of Peaceful National Reunification(CCPPR) Held in Beijing


  在中國和平統一促進會第七屆理事大會開幕式上的講話Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Director Meeting of CCPPR

劉延東Liu Yandong

  發揮優勢 加強交流 努力開創中國和平統一促進會工作的新局面中國和平統一促進會六屆理事會工作報告Develop Advantages, Strengthen Exchange, Make Great Efforts to Create a New Situation of CCPPR’s Work─Report on the work of CCPPR’s 6th Executive Council

許嘉璐Xu Jialu

  在中國和平統一促進會第七屆理事大會上的賀詞Greetings to the 7th Director Meeting of CCPPR

趙勇Zhao Yong

  中國和平統一促進會第七屆理事會領導機構名單Name List of Members of CCPPR


  中國和平統一促進會第七屆理事大會收到賀電、賀信Congratulatory Telegrams and Greetings to CCPPR’s 7th Director Meeting


  凝聚中華兒女力量 粉碎臺獨分裂妄想Unite Chinese Worldwide to Smash ‘Taiwan Independence’ Scheme

李亞飛Li Yafei

  寄希望於臺灣人民是和平統一的重要基礎Placing Hope on Taiwan People — a Basic idea for Peaceful Reunification

澳門 蔡鋒Macao Cai Feng

  評陳水扁的雙十講話On Chen Shuibian’s October 10th Speech

徐博東/陳星Xu Bodong/Chen Xing

  反軍購潮面面觀Anti-Arms Purchase Campaign in Taiwan

劉紅Liu Hong

  陳水扁和平煙霧下的臺獨告白Chen Shuibian’s Public Announcement of ‘Taiwan Independence’ Under Camouflage of Peace

彭維學Peng Weixue

  中國和平崛起與兩岸統一China’s Peaceful Rise and National Reunification

鄭建邦Zheng Yaobang

  繼往開來 為中國和平統一大業而奮鬥Continue to Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve China’s Peaceful Reunification

[加拿大]劉徽燾[Canada]Liu Huitao

  偽善難遮分裂行徑Hypocritical Words Can not Cover Splitting Action

[尼日利亞]胡介國[Nigeria]Hu Jieguo

  和平統一 任重道遠Peaceful Reunification ─ a Long-Term Heavy Task

[加拿大]趙炳熾[Canada]Zhao Bingchi

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in Briefs: Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  關帝文化及其在臺灣的影響Guan Yu Culture and It’s Influence in Taiwan

沈正一Shen Zhengyi

  兩岸三通對兩岸旅遊與經濟發展的影響Influence of ‘Three Direct Links’ on Cross-Straits Economy

臺灣 吳儀Taiwan Wu Yi

  臺商在兩岸經濟發展中的作用Taiwan Businessmen's Status and Role in Cross-Straits Economy


  兩岸學子心靈的共鳴第三屆海峽兩岸知識大賽Hearts of Cross-Straits Students Strike a Sympathetic Chord─The 3rd Cross-Straits Match of Knowledge

徐子勝Xu Zisheng

  布達拉宮Potala Palace, Lhasa

晏華Yan Hua

  創造美好世界 共用盛世繁榮在海內外專家學者茗談中華傳統文化座談會上的歡迎辭Creating a Beautiful World, Sharing Prosperity Together─Forum on Traditional Chinese Culture

韓啟德Han Qide

  走溪口A Tour to Xikou

王維友Wang Weiyou

  從於心者寄魂靈Artist Pei Yulin

劉曦林Liu Xilin

  國慶感懷For National Day

[紐西蘭]王瑞彬/趙月明[New Zealand]Wang Ruibin/Zhao Yueming

  甲申秋日茗談中華文化有感On the Forum on Traditional Chinese Culture in Autumn 2004

香港 張開冰Hongkong Zhang Kaibing



