

時間:2004-12-02 11:22   來源:


  發揮香港優勢 促進祖國統一在香港中國和平統一論壇上的講話Bring Hongkong’s Advantages Into Play, Promote China’s Reunification—Speech at the Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification in Hongkong

張克輝Zhang Kehui

  緬懷小平同志豐功偉績,積極推動祖國和平統一鄧小平與中國和平統一座談會上的講話Recall Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Great Achievements, Actively Promote Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland─Speech at the Forum on ‘Deng Xiaoping and China’s Peaceful Reunification’

羅豪才Luo Haocai

  鄧小平與一國兩制Deng Xiaoping and the Policy of ‘One Country, Two Systems’

李家泉Li Jiaquan

  遏制臺獨分裂活動 維護臺海和平穩定在香港中國和平統一論壇上的講話Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splitting Activities, Safeguard Peace and Stablility in Taiwan Straits─Speech at the Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification in Hongkong

王在希Wang Zaixi

  加強團結 加強聯合 積極推進中國和平統一在中南美洲2004年布宜諾斯艾利斯年會上的講話Strengthening Unity, Actively Promote Peaceful Reunification of China─Speech at the 2004 Buenos Aires Annual Meeting of CCPPR Central-South American Councils

王克斌Wang Kebin

  西非華人團結協作 為實現中國統一而奮鬥在西非中國和平統一促進會成立大會上的講話Unite Overseas Chinese in West Africa, Fight for Realization of China’s Reunification─Speech at the Meeting for the Establishment of CCPPR West African Council

王永秋Wang Yongqiu

  團結起來 制止臺獨為實現中國的完全統一而共同努力Unite to Fight Against ‘Taiwan Independence’, Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve Reunification of China

王長魚Wang Changyu

  有信心、有能力,堅決挫敗臺獨分裂圖謀Resolutely Foil the Scheme of ‘Taiwan Independence’ With Full Confidence and Great Ability

邰海Tai Hai

  對島內政局和兩岸關係的幾點看法On Post-Election Political Situation in Taiwan and Cross-Straits Relations

徐博東/陳星Xu Bodong/Chen Xing

  以開闊的眼界看統一法On the Law on Reunification

陳永強Chen Yongqiang

  堅決反對臺獨分裂 促進中國和平統一Firmly Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splitting Forces, Promote Peaceful Reunification of China

[尼日利亞]胡介國[Nigeria]Hu Jieguo

  西非中國和平統一促進會成立宣言Declaration on Establishment of CCPPR West African Council


  2004年中南美洲中國和平統一促進會年會宣言Declaration of 2004 Buenos Aires Annual Meeting of CCPPR Central-South American Councils


  妄想臺獨玩火自焚‘Taiwan Independence’ Doomed to Failure

[巴西]張無咎[Brazil]Zhang Wujiu

  為祖國統一做貢獻Contribute to Reunification of the Motherland

[美國]葉先揚[America]Ye Xianyang

  臺獨政客們的如意算盤‘Smug Calculations’ of Politicians Advocating ‘Taiwan Independence’

[美國]李聖炎[America]Li Shengyan

  為早日實現祖國統一而奮鬥Fight for Early Reunification of the Motherland

[義大利]鄭耀庭[Italy]Zheng Yaoting

  西非華人的心聲Aspirations of a Chinese in West Africa

[迦納]王曙紅[Ghana]Wang Shuhong

  海外統促會活動簡訊News in BriefActivities of CCPPR Overseas Councils


  從澳門看臺灣A Look at Taiwan Through Today’s Macao

澳門 吳志良Macao Wu Zhiliang

  頗具特色的臺灣休閒農業Tourist Agriculture in Taiwan with a Special Feature

江中龍Jiang Zhonglong

  我對臺灣未來的夢想A Dream of Taiwan’s Future

臺灣 于宗先Taiwan Yu Zongxian

  的經歷訪台灣女作家龍應臺From ‘a Sheep’ to ‘a Wolf’─An Interview With Taiwan Woman Writer Long Yingtai

孟波Meng Bo

  兩岸佛教的傳承與交流Cross-Straits Buddhism Development and Exchange

沈正一Shen Zhengyi

  辦好海峽西岸經濟區 搭建兩岸交流新平臺Build West-Straits Economic Area, Set up a New Platform for Exchange

施子清Shi Ziqing

  臺灣經濟面臨的挑戰和政策方向述評Challenges Faced by Taiwan’s Economy and Related Policy

劉建興Liu Jianxing

  京臺合作食品工業的現狀與前景Present Situation and Prospects of Beijing and Taiwan Cooperation on Food Industry

劉樹/檀學文Liu Shu/Tan Xuewen

  海峽破冰第一人紀念臺灣著名愛國學者胡秋原先生The First ‘Icebreaker’ of Cross-Straits Relations—Commemorate Taiwan Patriotic Scholar Hu Qiuyuan

陳裴夏Chen Peixia

  深圳會議反獨促統運動的興起‘Shen Zhen Meeting’and Rise of Movement ‘Against Taiwan Independence and for China’s Peaceful Reunification’

秦木Qin Mu

  為祖國而戰的抗日英雄記抗戰時期的南洋華僑機工Heroes in the War of Resistance Against Japan─Overseas Chinese Machinists in the War of Resistance Against Japan

崔萍Cui Ping

  承德避暑山莊The Mountain Resort in Chengde

晏華Yan Hua

  瓊瑤:剪不斷的鄉愁Qiong Yao: Lasting Nostalgia for Home

王曉琴Wang Xiaoqin

  海峽那邊的周莊” —九份‘Zhouzhuang Village’ on the Other Side of Taiwan Straits—Jiufen

姚萍Yao Ping



