發揮香港優勢 促進祖國統一—在香港“中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Bring Hongkong’s Advantages Into Play, Promote China’s Reunification—Speech at the Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification in Hongkong |
張克輝Zhang Kehui |
緬懷小平同志豐功偉績,積極推動祖國和平統一—在“鄧小平與中國和平統一”座談會上的講話Recall Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s Great Achievements, Actively Promote Peaceful Reunification of the Motherland─Speech at the Forum on ‘Deng Xiaoping and China’s Peaceful Reunification’ |
羅豪才Luo Haocai |
鄧小平與“一國兩制”Deng Xiaoping and the Policy of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ |
李家泉Li Jiaquan |
遏制“臺獨”分裂活動 維護臺海和平穩定─在香港“中國和平統一論壇”上的講話Contain ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splitting Activities, Safeguard Peace and Stablility in Taiwan Straits─Speech at the Forum on China’s Peaceful Reunification in Hongkong |
王在希Wang Zaixi |
加強團結 加強聯合 積極推進中國和平統一─在中南美洲2004年布宜諾斯艾利斯年會上的講話Strengthening Unity, Actively Promote Peaceful Reunification of China─Speech at the 2004 Buenos Aires Annual Meeting of CCPPR Central-South American Councils |
王克斌Wang Kebin |
西非華人團結協作 為實現中國統一而奮鬥─在西非中國和平統一促進會成立大會上的講話Unite Overseas Chinese in West Africa, Fight for Realization of China’s Reunification─Speech at the Meeting for the Establishment of CCPPR West African Council |
王永秋Wang Yongqiu |
團結起來 制止“臺獨”為實現中國的完全統一而共同努力Unite to Fight Against ‘Taiwan Independence’, Make Concerted Efforts to Achieve Reunification of China |
王長魚Wang Changyu |
有信心、有能力,堅決挫敗“臺獨”分裂圖謀Resolutely Foil the Scheme of ‘Taiwan Independence’ With Full Confidence and Great Ability |
邰海Tai Hai |
對島內政局和兩岸關係的幾點看法On Post-Election Political Situation in Taiwan and Cross-Straits Relations |
徐博東/陳星Xu Bodong/Chen Xing |
以開闊的眼界看“統一法”On the Law on Reunification |
陳永強Chen Yongqiang |
堅決反對“臺獨”分裂 促進中國和平統一Firmly Oppose ‘Taiwan Independence’ Splitting Forces, Promote Peaceful Reunification of China |
[尼日利亞]胡介國[Nigeria]Hu Jieguo |
西非中國和平統一促進會成立宣言Declaration on Establishment of CCPPR West African Council |
2004年中南美洲中國和平統一促進會年會宣言Declaration of 2004 Buenos Aires Annual Meeting of CCPPR Central-South American Councils |
妄想“臺獨” 玩火自焚‘Taiwan Independence’ Doomed to Failure |
[巴西]張無咎[Brazil]Zhang Wujiu |
為祖國統一做貢獻Contribute to Reunification of the Motherland |
[美國]葉先揚[America]Ye Xianyang |
“臺獨”政客們的“如意算盤”‘Smug Calculations’ of Politicians Advocating ‘Taiwan Independence’ |
[美國]李聖炎[America]Li Shengyan |
為早日實現祖國統一而奮鬥Fight for Early Reunification of the Motherland |
[義大利]鄭耀庭[Italy]Zheng Yaoting |
西非華人的心聲Aspirations of a Chinese in West Africa |
[迦納]王曙紅[Ghana]Wang Shuhong |
海外統促會活動簡訊News in Brief:Activities of CCPPR Overseas Councils |
從澳門看臺灣A Look at Taiwan Through Today’s Macao |
澳門 吳志良Macao Wu Zhiliang |
頗具特色的臺灣休閒農業Tourist Agriculture in Taiwan with a Special Feature |
江中龍Jiang Zhonglong |
我對臺灣未來的夢想A Dream of Taiwan’s Future |
臺灣 于宗先Taiwan Yu Zongxian |
從“羊”變“狼”的經歷─訪台灣女作家龍應臺From ‘a Sheep’ to ‘a Wolf’─An Interview With Taiwan Woman Writer Long Yingtai |
孟波Meng Bo |
兩岸佛教的傳承與交流Cross-Straits Buddhism Development and Exchange |
沈正一Shen Zhengyi |
辦好海峽西岸經濟區 搭建兩岸交流新平臺Build West-Straits Economic Area, Set up a New Platform for Exchange |
施子清Shi Ziqing |
臺灣經濟面臨的挑戰和政策方向述評Challenges Faced by Taiwan’s Economy and Related Policy |
劉建興Liu Jianxing |
京臺合作食品工業的現狀與前景Present Situation and Prospects of Beijing and Taiwan Cooperation on Food Industry |
劉樹/檀學文Liu Shu/Tan Xuewen |
海峽破冰第一人—紀念臺灣著名愛國學者胡秋原先生The First ‘Icebreaker’ of Cross-Straits Relations—Commemorate Taiwan Patriotic Scholar Hu Qiuyuan |
陳裴夏Chen Peixia |
“深圳會議”與“反獨促統運動”的興起‘Shen Zhen Meeting’and Rise of Movement ‘Against Taiwan Independence and for China’s Peaceful Reunification’ |
秦木Qin Mu |
為祖國而戰的抗日英雄─記抗戰時期的南洋華僑機工Heroes in the War of Resistance Against Japan─Overseas Chinese Machinists in the War of Resistance Against Japan |
崔萍Cui Ping |
承德避暑山莊The Mountain Resort in Chengde |
晏華Yan Hua |
瓊瑤:剪不斷的鄉愁Qiong Yao: Lasting Nostalgia for Home |
王曉琴Wang Xiaoqin |
海峽那邊的“周莊” —九份‘Zhouzhuang Village’ on the Other Side of Taiwan Straits—Jiufen |
姚萍Yao Ping |