Lawmakers', political advisors' microblog highlights

時間:2012-03-07 10:13   來源:Xinhua

BEIJING -- Amid China's microblog boom, a growing number of national lawmakers and political advisors have opened verified real-name microblogs to stay in touch with the country's estimated 260 million microbloggers.

Following are daily highlights from their microblogs, which are most active during the ongoing annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body.

----Ye Qing, a NPC deputy and vice director of the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics, shared this idea for boosting domestic consumption:

"Mobile phone newspaper: Wang Tian, an NPC deputy and chairman of the Bubugao Group [a consumer electronics maker], made a proposal yesterday for a 'new four-trillion-yuan' stimulus plan. He advised the government to conduct an active consumption policy, allocating four trillion yuan from revenues from state-owned enterprises to issue as vouchers to all citizens over two years!"

----Wu Zhongxin, a political advisor and economist from Hunan province, offered his recommendation for increasing residents' income in China:

"To increase residents' income from property was first proposed in last year's session. The direction is good but effects have been few. The stock market and the real estate market are both important sources of property income for ordinary residents."

"However, things usually go the opposite way. Ordinary residents do not get the their due in the stock market, and they cannot afford to buy in the real estate market. Rural residents just have no property income at all. Their housing and land rights are not allowed to be exchanged. We should work on all of these."

----Wang Donglin, a political advisor from Jiangxi province, reported the latest development in an incident in which the contents of the entrance exam for postgraduate schools were reportedly disclosed beforehand:

"It's reported that the minister of education, Minister Yuan, will respond to the exam-disclosure incident tomorrow morning. If he does not respond, Ge Jianxiong [another political advisor] and I will raise the question before him to forward the thoughts of netizens and express our own opinions."

----Li Dongsheng, an NPC deputy and chairman of TCL Corp, said vocational training is important for graduate employment:

"The employment of graduate students is a persistent, knotty issue. I think one of the most effective solutions is to enhance extra-curricular training. I strongly recommend schools make job-hunting training a compulsory course, providing professional guidance to students on how to find a job with the right method and attitude."


