China supports prior use of climate funds by least-developed countries

時間:2009-12-16 09:18   來源:SRC-174

BEIJING, Dec. 15 (Xinhua) -- China supported the prior use of funds for tackling climate change by least-developed, small island and African countries, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu on Tuesday.


Jiang refuted reports that Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei had said, in an interview with Financial Times, China would not be demanding support from the developed world to cut its emissions.

He's remarks were misunderstood, Jiang said at a regular press briefing.

She quoted He as saying "China understands and attaches importance to the special concerns of least-developed, small island and African countries, and supports their prior use of the funds."

Jiang noted the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) required developed countries to provide fund and technology for developing countries.

However, developed countries failed to honor their commitments, and developing countries were skeptical about their sincerity, she said.

China called on the developed world to provide additional, sufficient and foreseeable funds for developing countries, which "is an important condition for a successful Copenhagen conference," she said.

Based on its own resources, China has taken active and effective policies and measures and made evident achievements in coping with climate change.

"We can do better in combating climate change and global environment protection with sufficient international support," she said.



