
Global climate cooperation at new starting line from Copenhagen Accord: experts

時間:2009-12-23 10:18   來源:SRC-174

BEIJING, Dec. 23 (Xinhua) -- The legally non-binding Copenhagen Accord resulting from the climate change talks in the Danish capital laid a solid foundation for a new round of global cooperation on climate change, Chinese experts said here Tuesday.

"The accord, a product of arduous talks, is a significant achievement in the process of the Bali Road Map negotiations," said He Jiankun, an energy professor of the prestigious Tsinghua University, and a member of China's National Panel on Climate Change.

"The consensus will pave the way for the next round of negotiations and prepare for the birth of a legally binding accord," He told Xinhua.

He said the core interests of developing countries have been fully reflected because the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" has been upheld in the accord.

Concerns of the countries and regions that are vulnerable to climate change, including the least developed countries, small island countries and Africa, are addressed in the accord, he said.

Developed countries commit to a goal of mobilizing jointly 100 billion U.S. dollars a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries, the accord says.

"This is the first time for a document of climate change talks to offer a promising amount of money," He said.

He's opinion was echoed by Pan Jiahua, director of the Research Center for Sustainable Development under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

"Though the accord is not legally binding, it takes a clear-cut standing on limiting the rise of global temperature within 2 degrees Celsius and is specific on the expected amount of fund," Pan said.

The experts also agreed that China played a positive role in shaping the accord and displayed its determination and sincerity in addressing climate change.

Two weeks ahead of the climate summit's opening on Dec. 7, China announced it would reduce the intensity of carbon emissions per unit of its GDP by 40 to 45 percent from the 2005 levels by 2020.

The move was a positive response to the expectation of the international community and a credit to China's sincerity, said Chen Ying, a researcher at Pan's center, because it did not impose any condition on the target, nor was it linked to the target of any other country.

"The mitigation action demonstrated a responsible China which is playing a positive and constructive role," He said.

Despite their compliments on the accord, the experts forecast the negotiations ahead would not run smoothly.

The accord pointed out a direction for the talks to follow though they would turn out to be more complicated and arduous, Pan said.

"Issues demanding further talks include the emission reduction goals of developed countries by 2020 and the volume and management of the funding and technology they are to offer," said He.

He added both developed countries and developing countries need to strengthen mutual understanding and compromise for the shared interests of the entire human race.

"A legally binding agreement is the expectation for all the people in the world," He added.


