
World party leaders congratulate China on CPC congress

時間:2012-11-09 15:07   來源:Xinhua

BEIJING -- Party leaders worldwide have congratulated China on the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which opened Thursday in Beijing.

Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi who is also the leader of the Human Rights Protection Party, in his congratulatory message expressed gratitude for the support China has provided to Samoa and for the close friendship between the two countries under the leadership of the CPC.

The president of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) -- Muhammad Nawaz Sharif -- said in a congratulatory message that the CPC has introduced far-reaching reforms that have ensured decades of consistent economic progress, scientific development and social harmony, resulting in unprecedented development at home as well as increasing influence and prestige on the world stage.

Sharif, meanwhile, expressed deep appreciation to General Secretary Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao for having taken personal interest in forging stronger and more meaningful ties with Pakistan.

The Pakistan Muslim League (PML) Secretary General Mushahid Hussain Sayed and PML President Chaudhry Shujat Hussain said in their congratulatory message that the CPC has been pivotal in providing leadership to the Chinese people in not just the establishment of New China but also in building a prosperous China whose peaceful rise is a source of strength and stability for Pakistan and Asia as a whole.

The message added that this remarkable achievement can be attributed to wise leadership for whom the interests of the people of China are paramount.

The two leaders also said that "we have no doubt that the 18th Congress of the CPC would be a turning point in the eventful history of the CPC as well as China as a whole and we look forward to the emergence of fruitful results of the 18th congress."

The chairman of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) -- Puspa Kamal Dahal Prachanda -- said in his message that "we feel pride to see our immediate neighbor to have achieved a remarkable economic progress accompanied by political stability under the leadership of the CPC."

The world is closely scrutinizing the CPC congress as developments that unfold in China will have direct repercussions in the world, the message said, adding they believed the outcome of the congress will have a far-reaching impact both in China as well as in the world.

The Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) expressed solidarity with efforts made by the CPC for peace, stability and development both at home and abroad, the message said.

The chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist Leninist) -- Jhala Nath Khanal -- said in a message that under the leadership of the CPC, China has registered great progress and become the second largest economy of the world.

The message said China has successfully built socialism with Chinese characteristics as per basic guidelines laid down by Comrade Deng Xiaoping.

The chairman added that "we have valued the economic cooperation from China in the development process of Nepal."

The chairman of the Jatiyo Party of Bangladesh -- Hussain Muhammad Ershad -- said that the CPC has written a new chapter building socialism with Chinese characteristics, turned China's economy to new heights and made great political, cultural, social and ecological achievements, strengthened the living conditions of the Chinese people and added a feather of higher prestige in the world.

Sean Dorgan, general secretary of Fianna Fail, the Republican Party of Ireland, said the congress' agenda is "an ambitious and important one" that will be followed closely by the international community.

"We recognize the vital role which China plays in the international community and its enormous economic progress in recent decades," he said.

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping's recent visit to Ireland showed that the two countries had shared close and valuable relations, Dorgan added, saying: "We have no doubt that this is a relationship which will continue to be built upon in the years ahead."

In a message, Juha Silila, chairman of the Centre Party of Finland, and Timo Laaninen, party secretary, said Finland was among the first countries to recognize the People's Republic of China in 1950.

"Bilateral relations between our two parties have also witnessed great improvements in recent years," the message said.

It added that further strengthening relations between the two parties is of great importance to the Centre Party of Finland

"With the growing international role of China, close ties and opportunities for open and direct communication serve as the best way of ensuring effective cooperation also in the future."

The Centre Party of Finland hopes that the new Chinese leadership will continue to pursuit reforms and act as an active member of the international community, the message said.8 "We look forward to further building the friendship between our two nations," it said.

Joseph Muscat, leader of the Labour Party of Malta, said China's development had contributed greatly to the maintenance of peace and stability, to the global economy, and to the enrichment of humanity inn terms of cultural development and advances in science and technology.

The Labour Party of Malta "has always placed great emphasis on our relationship and has worked to strengthen the bonds between our two parties and our two countries," he said.

"We believe that such relations will continue to translate into deeper political, economic and cultural ties between our two countries and will also foster a broader range of meaningful exchanges at people-to-people level."

Peter, Goodfellow, president of the National Party of New Zealand, said the congress is an important political event not only to China but also to the international community.

"Today, our relationship with China has become one of New Zealand's most valuable and important bilateral relationships," he said.

The National Party is committed to strengthening friendly relations with the CPC and enhancing cooperation between two governments and two peoples on the basis of mutual benefit, Goodfellow added.

Julie Bishop, deputy leader of the Liberal Party of Australia, said peaceful development within China has seen hundreds of millions of people lifted out poverty in a remarkable achievement unparalleled in human history.

"The Liberal Party of Australia has sought to maintain warm and constructive relations with China's leaders and its people," Bishop said.

The African National Congress of South Africa, the South African Communist Party, Eritrea's People's Front for Democracy and Justice, Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front), Ukrainian Peace Council and others also sent congratulatory messages to the CPC.


