
Danish media widely reports on 90th anniversary of CPC

時間:2011-07-04 13:33   來源:Xinhua

COPENHAGEN -- The 90th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) celebrated on Friday received extensive coverage by Danish broadcast media, wire agencies and newspapers.

Public broadcaster DR News reported the event on both TV and radio, showing scenes from ceremonies marking the occasion in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It also highlighted key points raised by Chinese President Hu Jintao in his speech marking the anniversary.

Denmark's TV2 News network carried an extensive photo slide-show of celebrations on its website, while running a short commentary on the festivities and a brief description of China's history.

Meanwhile, the Danish Ritzau news agency reported President Hu's keynote speech to CPC members in greater detail.

Hu warned that some CPC members' "divorce from the people" was creating problems, while saying the fight against corruption was paramount to securing the Party's success.

This Ritzau report was carried by several major Danish broadsheets such as conservative Berlingske Tidende and Jyllands-Posten, left-leaning Information daily, financial daily Boersen, popular and freely-distributed papers such as B.T. and metroXpress, and by several regional newspapers.

Moreover, the influential, left-leaning Politiken daily ran an online slide-show of photos depicting festive scenes from around China Friday. The pictures show how ordinary Chinese were marking the anniversary, marching and carrying CPC banners, and visiting exhibitions at CPC museums.

It also ran an online slide-show of historical pictures depicting China's development under the CPC leadership.

Meanwhile, the conservative Weekendavisen weekly features paper carried a full-page report on the anniversary on Friday, under the headline "The 90th birthday."

Several smaller Danish news websites and blogs also reported and analyzed the event.


