
Communist Party of Bangladesh (ML) leader lauds CPC achievements

時間:2011-07-01 08:59   來源:Xinhua

DHAKA -- "We offer our fraternal greetings to the leaders and members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the people as well on this auspicious occasion," Dilip Barua, Bangladeshi Industries Minister and General Secretary of Bangladesher Samyabadi Dal (ML) or Communist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist-Leninist), said Thursday in an interview with Xinhua on the occasion of the 90th Founding Anniversary of the Communist Party of China.

"We are honored and delighted to remember Comrade Mao Zedong and his fellow comrades who declared the New China in 1949 after a long heroic struggle. We also remember Comrade Deng Xiaoping who is the architect of modern China. On this grand occasion, we convey our deepest and hearty felicitation to the Communist Party of China," said Barua.

Recalling China's history, Barua said, "In the 80 years between the Opium War and the birth of the Chinese Communist Party, the ceaseless struggle of the people had all failed despite their heroism and their hopes, and lofty aspiration were sadly frustrated. The picture has been altogether different in the 90 years since the birth of the Chinese Communist Party. A new epoch in Chinese history was ushered in. The Chinese people have taken their destiny into their own hands."

He said, "We are proud of the achievements of Communist Party of China through correct political philosophy, appropriate strategies and unmatched accuracy of interpretation of the world events that has brought about results."

Barua noted, "Many of the world's Communist Party related countries have failed in their reforms because they did not have a theory conforming to their national conditions. Any reform is hard to succeed without a correct guiding theory. China's achievements in reform and opening up should first be attributed to the CPC's brilliant leadership and its ideological line of seeking truth from facts."

He said "The Communist Party of China is truly a long tested Party, which has acquired rich experiences, learnt many lessons and is capable of leading the people in braving difficulties to win victory after victory in the revolution and economic emancipation."

Barua said that CPC enjoys respect amongst the people of Bangladesh. The role played by CPC and its success over the 90 years is deeply recognized and appreciated by the world community.

"The leadership in creating today's China with enlightened people and as the world's foremost economy is looked at with wonder and respect by every Bangladeshi national and the world community. We feel that in appreciating the success of China, the world should be aware of the role of CPC-the most intellectually advanced and successful Political Party of the world," he said.

Barua said, "Rather the role of the CPC has influenced the entire world's political scenario for necessary adjustment and readjustment, and immensely contributes to uphold high banner of prosperity, progress and cooperation, pursuing an independent foreign policy with the purposes of maintaining world peace and promoting common development goal."

Barua further said, "We are fully convinced that at present, China's future and destiny are interconnected with those of the world, not separable. We believe the CPC will continue to combine the interests of the Chinese people with the common interests of the people of other countries, and always stand for fairness and justice. China will unswervingly follow a win-win strategy of opening up for mutual benefits, contribute to regional and global development through its own development, and stick to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence."

Barua hoped that the Chinese Leadership will be able to maintain harmonious atmosphere not only in China but also in the globalized world as a whole.

He said "In pursuing friendship with all countries, it is the demand of the times to safeguard the reasonable requests and common interests of developing countries for a more fair and equitable international order. In this global world, China neither can develop individually keeping herself isolated from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity and sustainability without integrating China in their development move. CPC and the Chinese people will continue to work tirelessly with the people of other countries to bring about a better harmonious future for humanity including Bangladesh."

He said that with the aim of achieving goal of 'Digital Bangladesh' and vision-2021, the present government of Bangladesh has stepped up its efforts to pursue the government's stated rapid economic growth. China, as a time-tested friend of Bangladesh, is extending all possible cooperation to this end.

"On this occasion of the 90th Founding Anniversary of the CPC, the people of Bangladesh and the world will witness the further achievement of the CPC. We hope our fraternal relation between CPC and the Bangladesher Samyabadi Dal (ML) will be remain warm and enhanced further," Barua said.


