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Cooperation in High-Tech Industries Proposed Among Fujian, HK,Taiwan
   日期:2003-09-01 15:13        編輯: system        來源:

  A group of experts from Hong Kong and Taiwan as well as Fujian said the three sides should increase cooperation in high-tech industries.
This may help sharpen their competitive edge in the international market amid globalization, they said recently.
Cai Deqi, director of the Development Research Center under the Fujian provincial government, said that Fujian, Hong Kong and Taiwan are complimentary in terms of technology, financing, market, information, and talent.
For instance, Cai said, Fujian has a sound industrial foundation and a great potential market for high-tech products, while Hong Kong is an international financial and information center.
Taiwan, on the other hand, is more advantageous in high-tech research and development and venture investment.
Liao Jiajun, Ph.D with Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said that he is optimistic over the prospects for increasing cooperation in high-tech industries among the three.
So far, all three have made plans to turn more high-tech industries into new growth areas in the new century.

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