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Taiwan Businessmen Are Invited to Participate in Mid-Autumn Sodality
   日期:2003-09-19 16:15        編輯: system        來源:


In the evening of 3rd, Jinan Taiwan Affairs Office, Jinan Association for Taiwan Compatriots Invested Enterprises jointly held Mid-Autumn Sodality at Silver Plaza Sofitel Hotel. Bao Zhiqiang vice secretary of CPC Jinan Committee, Mayor of Jinan, Lei Jianguo, vice secretary of CPC Jinan Committee participated in the activity and met with some of the Taiwan businessmen before the start.  
At the meeting, Bao introduced to the businessmen about the good economic development situation and the layout of Jinan City construction. He expressed that all the departments concerned should exerted to fulfill the duties to create an even better environment for the development of Taiwan business. Bao asked some Taiwan enterprises about their development and encourage them to make further contribution in the sectors of developing Taiwan business, publicizing the investment environment and introducing more Taiwan businessmen to Jinan either for business or investment.  
On behalf of Jinan Committee and Jinan government, Lei Jianguo expressed festival greetings to those Taiwan businessmen. There are about over 70 Taiwan businessmen presented at the evening party. 

Source: Jinan Municipal Government Information Public Network


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