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   日期:2003-06-26 09:30        編輯: system        來源:


Paint a giant panda (1)

1.First, paint two large ears of the giant panda. Outline the ears with dark ink. The brushwork follows the direction of the red arrow. When they are half dry, moisten the edges of the ears with some clean water to give them a furry texture.

2.Paint a round circle with light ink for the head.

3.Paint the eyes with dark ink. Leave a sparking light for the eyeballs.

4.Paint four limbs with moisture-containing medium ink colour. The brushwork follows the red arrow.

5.Dot four toes with dark ink; paint the mouth with cinnabar; outline the mouth with light red. Finally, paint bamboo leaves with mineral green.

Paint a giant panda (2)

1.After outlining the giant panda in motion, paint its various parts with ink, interspersing dark ink with light ink. The brushwork follows the red arrow. The ink should be slightly moist.

2.Outline the body with light ink.

3.Paint the fur of the giant panda with textural strokes, rubbing horzontally with a dry brush to make the touches indistinct.

4.Paint bamboo and bamboo leaves with mineral blue. Then write an inscription. You need not colour the body of the giant panda. Just leave it natural white.

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