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China Holds World Circus Fest
   日期:2003-11-05 15:04        編輯: system        來源:


The China Wuqiao International Circus Festival, which opened on the weekend in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, shows just how dynamic, novel, dazzling and exciting this thousand-year-old art and sport can be.

Nov.7 and 8 were given over to the opening ceremony and a warm-up show. The real action started on the afternoon of Nov.9, with the launch of the competition part of the ninth China International Wuqiao Circus Festival. Nine programs from seven countries took part in the first show at Shijiazhuang's Culture Center.

The co-winner of the eighth Golden Lion Award, the Mu Dan Peak Acrobatic Troupe from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea returned with a new and improved "Flying Trapeze" act. The male acrobat completed four circles in mid-air instead of the three twirls three years ago, and finished the number with flying colors.

Two other solo aerial acts captured audiences' hearts: "Aerial skills on a rope" by Mexican Maria Andreeva.

Chinese acrobats demonstrated their unbelievable balancing skills. The young performers of the Anhui Acrobatic Troupe produced a stunning "foot juggling and teeter board" number.

The most enthusiastic applause of the afternoon went to the Russian States Circus for their breath-taking "Springboard" number. Co-winners of the eighth Golden Lion Award, the Russian hunks were determined to shock. Dmitriy Dosov's single stilt stunt had audiences praying for his safety.

Juggling is one of the strongholds of Western acrobats. Chvartsman Yevgenia from the United States managed a juggling act with hats and clubs that would make even China's Thousand-handed Buddha pale with envy.

If most acrobatic skills are acquired through practice and diligence, contortion requires more natural predisposition. The bold beauty of seemingly boneless bodies was best displayed by three young Mongolian women.

Launched in 1987, the Wuqiao Circus Festival is one of the world's top three circus. This year, a total of 20 programs from 12 countries are vying for the Gold Lion Award, which will be revealed on Nov.9.


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