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What is the main content of Jiang Zemin s speech?
   日期:2001-04-17 15:54        編輯: system        來源:

  Jiang Zemin expounded on Deng Xiaoping's ideas of reunifying China "through peaceful means and with the formula of one country, two systems" and put forward a series of new propositions on developing relations between the two sides.The core of Jiang's speech is: adherence to the principle of one China, opposition to "Taiwan independence," "two Chinas," or "one China, one Taiwan," a vigorous development of cross-Straits relations, and giving impetus to the process of China's peaceful reunification.

The principle of one China is the foundation for developing cross-Straits relations. The Chinese people are opposed to any words and deeds that aim to split China and disrupt its territorial integrity against the principle of one China. Under the principle of one China, the two sides should start talks on a peaceful reunification of the motherland. Jiang Zemin once again solemnly proposed that negotiations be held on "officially ending the state of hostility between the two sides and accomplishing a peaceful reunification of the motherland in a step-by-step way."

He suggested: "As the first step, negotiations should be held and an agreement reached on officially ending the state of hostility between the two sides in accordance with the principle that there is only one China." Participants in such negotiations, he said, can include people representing various parties and social bodies on both sides. Under the principle of one China, leaders of the two sides should pay mutual visits to discuss state affairs under appropriate capacities. Jiang called for further developing cross-Straits economic exchanges and cooperation, starting direct trade, and opening direct postal, air and shipping services between the two sides. On the basis of reciprocity and mutual benefit, Jiang said, negotiations should be held to sign non-governmental agreements on protecting the rights and interests in the mainland of Taiwan investors. Jiang called for people on both sides to inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of Chinese culture. The central government, he said, fully respects the lifestyle of Taiwan compatriots and their wish to be masters of their own destiny. The central government does not challenge the development of non-governmental economic and cultural ties by Taiwan with other countries. Jiang called on agencies of the Chinese government stationed abroad to strengthen ties with Taiwan compatriots and protect their legitimate rights and interests. Jiang appealed to all Chinese to unite and hold high the great banner of patriotism, uphold reunification, oppose secession, spare no effort to promote the expansion of relations between the two sides and work for the motherland's reunification at an early date.

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