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Why did Jiang Zemin say "It is absolutely necessary to take practical measures to speed up the establishment of direct links for postal, air and shipping services and trade between the two sides"? What obstacles lie on the way to establishing such direct links?
   日期:2001-04-17 15:54        編輯: system        來源:

  The Chinese government has consistently called for an early establishment of direct postal, air and shipping services and trade between the two sides. Relevant departments in the mainland have made unremitting efforts in this regard. Since the late 1980s indirect links have been established, but this cannot meet the demand of fastdeveloping relations between the two sides. Jiang Zemin said: "Since direct links for postal, air and shipping services and trade between the two sides are objective requirements for their economic development and contacts in various fields, and since they are in the interests of people on both sides, it is absolutely necessary to take practical measures to speed up the establishment of such direct links." This reflects the common interests and wish of compatriots on both sides and has won their support. The opening of direct postal service and direct telephone lines can meet people's increasing demand for communication, save costs and improve the quality of various postal services. Direct shipping lines can provide safe, convenient, speedy and economical services for people on both sides. Direct trade will facilitate a further expansion in cross-Straits economic cooperation, leading to development and prosperity for both sides.

The Taiwan authorities have set three preconditions for the establishment of such direct links: the CPC should openly undertake "to renounce the use of force against Taiwan," recognizes Taiwan as a "reciprocal political entity," and gives Taiwan "international living space." This does not accord with the common interests of compatriots on both sides and the requirements of developing cross-Straits relations. People in Taiwan maintain that, after the return of Hong Kong and Macao to China, the Taiwan authorities can no longer obstruct direct links across the Taiwan Strait and that the Taiwan authorities are going to "lift a rock only to drop it on their own feet" if they stick to these preconditions. The Chinese government maintains that there should be no preconditions and no political obstacles for the establishment of direct links between the two sides. The Taiwan authorities should, acting in the interest of Taiwan people and having Taiwan's future in mind, promote the establishment of direct links between Taiwan and the mainland by taking concrete measures and doing away with various kinds of unreasonable restrictions.

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