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Why did Jiang Zemin propose "negotiations be held on a peaceful reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Straits?"
   日期:2001-04-17 15:53        編輯: system        來源:

  It is a forward-looking policy proposal raised by Jiang Zemin for the first time in accordance with the current situation in Taiwan and the state of present cross-strait relations.

It has been the CPC's consistent stand to hold negotiations on a peaceful reunification of the motherland. But, in different periods, with regard to specific policies and wording, adjustments and developments are made. The CPC once proposed that reunification of China be accomplished through negotiations between the Kuomintang and the CPC and through a third Kuomintang-CPC cooperation. In 1991 Jiang Zemin suggested that personages representing various parties and social organizations in Taiwan are welcome to attend negotiations between the Kuomintang and the CPC. In his speech at the 14th National Congress of the CPC in 1992, Jiang said that, on the premise that there is only one China, the CPC is prepared to talk with the Taiwan authorities about any matter, including the form that official negotiations should take, a form that would be acceptable to both sides.

In his latest speech, Jiang Zemin for the first time suggested holding negotiations with the Taiwan authorities on the peaceful reunification of the motherland. This shows that the CPC and Chinese government has noticed the profound changes that have taken place in Taiwan's society and politics, taken fully into account the interests of various parties and social organizations in Taiwan, paid greater respect to the wishes of Taiwan people to be masters of their own destiny and participate in political affairs involving the two sides, and set greater store by the role to be played by people of all social circles in Taiwan in the process of China's reunification. It also demonstrates the sincerity and pragmatism of the CPC and Chinese government for political talks between the two sides. With realities as a point of departure, Jiang's new proposal aims to bring about an early start of negotiations on peaceful reunification.

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