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Why does the Chinese government say that any change in the way Taiwan s leaders are selected does not change the fact that Taiwan s leaders are only leaders of one region of China?
   日期:2001-04-17 15:53        編輯: system        來源:

  In his speech entitled "Reunification of the Motherland: A Common Wish of all Chinese People" and delivered on January 30,1996,PremierLi Peng said:" Regardless of how Taiwan's leaders are selected, the fact that Taiwan is a part of China's territory and its leaders are only leaders of one region of China cannot change."

This is the principled stand of the CPC and Chinese government on the way Taiwan's leaders are selected. It has received understanding and approval from Taiwan compatriots and the international community.

Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times. Taiwan was subjected to Japanese invasion and rule for half a century, the result of the unequal Shimonoseki Treaty the Qing government of China was forced to sign following China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1895,but Taiwan people never stopped their struggle against Japanese invasion and occupation and for Taiwan's return to the embrace of the motherland. In 1937,the Chinese people began its War of Resistance against Japan, and the Chinese government, in its statement declaring war against Japan, announced to the world that China would recover Taiwan and Penghu Islands. In 1945,a defeated Japan unconditionally accepted the Potsdam Proclamation and the Cairo Declaration, returning Taiwan and Penghu Islands to China in a surrender ceremony held in Taipei on October 25 of the year. From that day on, Taiwan and Penghu Islands have come once again under Chinese sovereignty.

The establishment of the People's Republic of China on October 1,1949 marked the overthrow of the rule of the Kuomintang government by the Chinese people. From then on, the government of the People's Republic of China has been the sole legal government representing the entire Chinese nation. The escape to Taiwan of a number of military and administrative personnel of the Kuomintang regime and support given them by foreign forces have led to a temporary separation of Taiwan from the motherland, But this has not changed the fact that Taiwan is part of China and that the Chinese government has indisputable sovereignty over Taiwan. At present, the majority of countries in the world recognize that there is only one China in the world. that Taiwan is part of China and that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the entire Chinese nation.

Since Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, any activities to elect regional leaders in Taiwan cannot change the fact that Taiwan is part of China and that Taiwan's leaders are only leaders of one region of China. Separatist forces and some leaders of the Taiwan authorities attempted to create conditions for making Taiwan "an independent political entity "by changing the way regional leaders of Taiwan are selected. This scheme of theirs is futile and doomed to failure.

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