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Chinese FM talks with Powell via phone
   日期:2004-04-07 15:51        編輯: system        來源:


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan confirmed here Tuesday that Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing called US Secretary of State Colin Powell on the evening of March 21 and they talked about Saturday's election in the Taiwan region during their phone conversation.

During the conversation, the spokesman said, Foreign Minister Li asked the US side to abide by the one-China policy and do more to benefit the peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits as well as the development of relations between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.

Secretary of State Powell reiterated that the United States will abide by the one-China policy, Kong said.

Kong said China has noticed the US attitudes on the current events in Taiwan. "We must point out that the election in the Taiwan region is only a local election of China and no matter what outcome it produced, it cannot alter the fact that Taiwan is a part of China."

"China has made no special requests to the United States," Kong said, adding that China's only request is that the United States abide by the policies made and reiterated time and again by itself, including the one-China policy, the three Sino-US joint communiques, opposition to the "Taiwan independence" and to any attempt in words and deeds by leaders of Taiwan authority to unilaterally change the status quo of Taiwan and seek independence.

Taiwan authority said they have received congratulations on the election from certain countries, but that was denied by the countries, noted Kong.

The spokesman went on to say that the international community has expressed clear opposition to the current situation in Taiwan and China hopes the international community could join hands to maintain peace and stability in the region.

"Of course, the crux of matter is to abide by the one-China principle," he added. Enditem


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