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Why Should the Chinese Government Stick to the One-China Principle?
   日期:2003-06-26 09:30        編輯: system        來源:


The Formulation and the Basic Meaning of the One China Principle

  On October 1,1949, the People’s Republic of China was founded. Although the remnants of the Koumintang forces withdrew to Taiwan, they were not reconciled to their defeat; still flaunting the banner of the “Republic of China”, bragged to be the “legitimate China” and set up a local separatist regime in a vain attempt to “counterattack the mainland, fight against Communism and regain the country”, resulting in the situation of military confrontation with the mainland. The U.S. government not only sent troops to Taiwan and interfered in China’s internal affairs but also created in a big way public opinion in the world and put forward the fallacies of “unsettled status of Taiwan”, “neutralization of Taiwan” and “trusteeship of Taiwan”, “neutralization of Taiwan” and “trusteeship of Taiwan”, providing the legal foundation for “two Chinas”. Therefore, the Chinese government has waged a resolute struggle against them and has repeatedly declared that it is the only legal government that represents the whole people of the People’s Republic of China, while the Kuomintang government has lost any practical and legal basis of representing the Chinese people; the Chinese government and people firmly oppose any plots aimed at creating “two Chinas”. The one-China principle is put forward and adhered to by the Chinese government in its process of developing normal diplomatic relationship with foreign countries in a bid to maintain Chin’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  After 1960’s and 1970’s the above principle and stance of the Chinese government gradually constituted the basic meaning of the one-China principle, that is, there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legal government that represents China.

  Though unwilling to accept its defeat in the civil war and still posing as the only representative of China, the Koumintang authorities in Taiwan also persisted in the one-China stance for a log time. The broad masses of the Taiwan compatriots, have all the more recognized one China and have firmly opposed the separation of the country. Therefore, though in a long-term state of confrontation, the Chinese people across the Straits still share the common language on the basic issues, such as “Taiwan is part of China; China’s sovereignty and territory brook no separation and there is only one China, not two Chinas”.

  Concerning the concrete connotation of “one China”, disagreements all along existed between the Chinese government and the Taiwan authorities. In a bid to seek common ground while reserving differences, the mainland based Association for relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) in their routine negotiations in November 1992 reached a common understanding that each side expressed in oral form that “both sides of the Straits adhere to the one-China principle”. In January 1998, in consideration of Taiwan’s objective situation in cross-Straits negotiations and in an attempt to seek and broaden the foundation for cooperation on the one-China issue and promote the development of cross-Straits relations, the Chinese government stated that to solve problems in cross-Straits relations should first adhere to the one-China principle, that is, there is only one China in the world; Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’ and China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity brook no separation. All of these have taken the doubts and views of people of all circles in Taiwan into consideration, reflecting the sincerity of the Chinese government that is doing its utmost to seek a common understanding and realize peaceful reunification.

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